Saturday, May 10, 2014

Remember it is also about Survivors We have a beach lets paint it pink for the memory of the people we lost and the survivors who we still have.

Hello friends in Bradley Beach today I am writing from a point of view shared with me by a close friend who wishes her or his name not used, I understand they are fighting cancer and do not wish anyone to just give them things out of fear of losing them.
It was a warm day today and the local group Mary,s Place By The Sea was holding a walk though Bradley Beach and Ocean Grove so as my friend, lets call him/her clam digger 1 was sitting near the spot where digger first tried to understand the why of cancer also known as the fletcher lake ocean front area this group of well over 800 walkers went by digger was crying not out of pain, or anger but out of love for a group of people who digger did not even know. Digger was also sad because digger is from a town where they would not even paint a line down the street or put their name on a web site to say remember the fallen heroes of cancer as well as the friends who are surviving, diggers tears were heard by me today as I remember the friends gone and the friends who remain free today of cancer. As we get ready for a summer of visitors lets tell the Mayor and Council in Bradley Beach never again will we let them forget. 
With love I write this in honor of just a few in my life lost to cancer, My Mother, Aunt and Grandfather. Wendy Ella May for The Bradley Beach Tatler. May 10th 2014.

tutu project

bob loves be loved this way is unforgettable
The man wears a TuTu for his wife Linda.

Custom T-Shirts for breast cancer awareness walk

Theta Xi by Theta Xi Breast Cancer Walk -

Theta Xi T-Shirt Photo
"This photgraph was taken at the Go Jane Go Breast Cancer Walk in Bradley Beach, NJ on 10/20. Jane is a breast cancer survivor who organizes this annual event to give back to the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, who helped her through her treatment. This event means so much to us because Jane is the mother of one of our brothers, and any family of a brother is family to us all. We all wanted to get our fraternity letters on a shirt and incorporate breast cancer awareness, and it was so easy to do so with CustomInk. "

We have a beach lets paint it pink for the memory of the people we lost and the survivors who we still have.
 So this month, Gaza celebrated Pink October by launching an extensive awareness campaign, calling on women to get early screening and protection. The campaign also featured:

Making the largest pink ribbon in the work, ON GAZA'S BEACH!

And we did! The organization behind this amazing initiative is called the Aid and Hope Program for Cancer Patients Care. It's led by Eman Shannan, a survivor of the disease. Running on a low budget provided by several Palestinian private sector institutions,  the team (75% of the staff are patients or survivors of breast cancer) made the ribbon using a 1.4 kilo long pink cloth, breaking the Guinness Record, on the beach.

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