Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The magnificent display of historic photographs exhibited by the Bradley Beach Historical Museum!

"The absolute highlight of Tuesday's NIGHT OUT held at the firehouse, was the magnificent display of historic photographs exhibited by the Bradley Beach Historical Museum!  There are not enough superlatives in the English language to accurately describe the magnificence of this terrific display," said Don Lewis  the curator of the museum, who personally arranged the exhibit.
Don Lewis  the curator of the museum has been working very hard to save the history of Bradley Beach NJ. Don who spends his own money to buy things for the museum, he has taken over more space then he every though he could fill. Mr Lewis has been coming to Bradley Beach for the summer for many years and when he retired he moved here full time. Don has a very special way about him and a deep love for family and young children, he is a big brother to a small group of young men from New York City it is not uncommon to see him at the train station with his little brothers. Don has a long history of great jobs if you get a chance to visit him at the  Bradley Beach Historical Museum bring a note pad because you will want to write down some of his stories, ask about his job at the zoo or his job in the New York City Schools. Don can be contacted through The Bradley Beach Borough Hall 732-776-2999 The Historical Society Museum is located at:
the Carmen A. Biase Center, 719 Main Street, Bradley Beach.

1 comment:

  1. Good man glad to have him in bradley beach.
    Lets help him all we can. Bradley beach Lives!!!!!!!!!!!
