Monday, August 1, 2011

The man who did it then and tells the stories now A true American Hero.

The man who did it then and tells the stories now A true American Hero.

Its Monday the first day of August 2011 and today this story is just about a man, he will not have a name as its not important to the story, he could be your father, husband, brother, son or just the man who lives next door. He could be 18 or 100+, He could be any color, size, or faith, He may have been young or old when his story was written, He may have been in The Big one or just a smaller fight, But his stories tell of his life.
This is his short story.

I sign up to see the land, the world and to be a man, I went to place where I would learn to hold my own against the other man, I felt it was my duty to protect and defend my land, my family and my friends. I was ready to be a solider like the ones who came before me. As a small boy in a big world I would stand when the flag went by and put my hand on my heart and be so proud of the colors that never ran. I would look at the girls and watch their eyes light up as the Soldiers and Sailors went by. So today I lifted my right hand and said "I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." 

Now I was a Soldier so off I must go to fight a battle I do not know, with people who I must trust with my life as they trust me with theirs. I may come home alive and well or hurt but still alive or maybe I will die but if I do I will have died for you, my country my land my family and my friends and my flag will cover me for one last time as the land says goodbye. If I live I will be more of a man then before I met they. A Soldier or A Sailor, A Veteran I will be. But most of all not a hero, not famous, and not a king just the boy who now is a man with stories to tell this great land and to give my children and grands something to remember this 
Soldier Man. 

When I die as I will someday let the cover my body in a special way with the flag that I defendant to my 
last day,

The flag I raised up on my flagpole each morning and retrieved each night, The flag which covered my land so bright the one they placed up in the ground only every hill we won and every land we defended and even on the moon now let it cover me as I hope not to soon.

This story is in Honor and Respect for all who gave some and some who gave all.

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