Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Disturbance of Solitude By Jim Gorman

    Disturbance of Solitude
By Jim Gorman
              Everyday I take a 5 minute walk & go to the beach
              Why because it is there, & .....I can
              I swim in the healing salt water of the ocean
             & body surf the cool foamy waves
             Then I walk 1 mile south
       return 1 mile north
  creature of habit
              I sit in my chair in silence ( yes Jim can be silent)
             & mediate breathing in the refreshing salt air
              my silent meditation is broken up by the  constant shreeking
            sound of the lifeguards whistle;
           not that someone is drowning or needs to be saved 
           but some inconsiderate idiot; big or small
            male or female.....decides it is their own private
            beach & they are not required to swim in front of the lifeguard chair
           between the 2 yellow buoyed clearly designated ropes
            where us law abiding commoners have to swim.
         This annoyance is bad for my karma & totally unacceptable
           to someone of my caliber,who suffered working 30 years at Lakehurst
          yesterday, I told the : "Lifeguard to cool it with the whistle"
             unless someone was definetly drowning, or bitten by a shark
I had a slight summer hangover
            & needed my afternoon nap. He understood my situation & said
            he would  strongly take it into consideration . You see they made me a honorary
           lifeguard, not because I am a good swimmer, I have a navy blue bathing suit
            sunglasses & a white hooded sweatshirt  my job is to walk the beach & remind
            all the lost  lost souls to swim between the 2 yellow ropes.
            You see that pretty blonde in the high white high chair.
             She is a paid "angel" she is trained to save your life
              Show her & the retired senior with a hangover SOME RESPECT
              I kind of feel like" Holden Caufield of the Coastline"
              prevening innocence & ignorance from falling off the ledge
              or swimming outside the ropes
The End

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